Animation was okay. Nothing really made sense, but maybe that was the point.
Animation was okay. Nothing really made sense, but maybe that was the point.
thiri is a pokemans 1 and 2
Sprite animations can be done well, but you really have got to push the boundaries with them. This just felt like I was watching someone else play a SNES game.
was not my intention to make the person watched the video like you're playing SNES
The drawings aren't too bad. It would be nice to have a preloader and play button. If the intention was to scare, you probably could have had the images pop up more suddenly, and have a more shrill sound with it.
i'll try better next time
Kinda funny. A better microphone might help, or you could record in an environment with less echoing. The humor isn't terribly sexual or disturbing, which is a nice change of pace on this website.
Thanks for the review. I believe I need a new microphone.
Nothing that really hasn't been done before. The art was okay, anyway.
Not sure that E was the right rating to give this, but OK.
Thank you for your criticism, I wil try to be more original on the next animation.
The animation is pretty good, if a bit stiff at times.
The sound mixing made speech a bit hard to hear sometimes.
Overall, however, this was really not bad.
yah i have to get used to motion interpolation on the models so its not so robotic. All in due time
Impressive effects. However, Im not sure, was the lack of sound an upload glitch, or was it intentional?
The lack of sound was intentional as this was purely a visual story of how the Booger Boyz came about. I'm trying to raise funds through quick starter and hopefully i can then do a full episode with music, voices, etc.
In terms of sprite videos, this was pretty well made, and very good for a first animation in general. The only minor thing is that the composition made it a bit hard to follow the action at times. Otherwise, nice job.
Thanks :D I do try and look into the panning of the camera and I'm looking into how I can make it do everything smoother without the massive change of angle, also I need to develop a nice way of transitions between different characters which I haven't quite developed yet
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