The character animation is pretty good. I can't say for sure without seeing the other parts, but I feel the humor of this may have been a bit stronger as part of a bigger movie than it is on it's own.
The character animation is pretty good. I can't say for sure without seeing the other parts, but I feel the humor of this may have been a bit stronger as part of a bigger movie than it is on it's own.
Im just treading the waters a bit here, but ill be sure to make it much more longer with more stuff to watch, my minimalist brain prevents me from doing so lol, thanks though <3
Simple, but effective. The design and shading on the fox are nice, and the pencil and paper style works well.
Thank you John! :)
This is a good start for a first submission. The voice acting is well done and clear, and the animation could use a bit more polish, but it gets the job done.
Thank you! I aimed to make it kind of animatic-ish, except for the lip syncing :D But thank you very much for your criticism, that helps a lot :)
It's okay, but why upload it seperate from the rest of the collab?
One word:Promotion
"why u open ol wounds"
In all seriousness, it's okay, although the volume was a bit uneven.
yeh, i sadly figured that out right as i was half way through animating it
but dont tell nobody about it, not even your dad
It is kind of short. My main problem is that without any other ocntext, I'm not really sure what the joke is supposed to be. Is the milk sour? Was the second guy not supposed to be drinking the milk out of the carton? Why shouldn't he have drank the milk?
There is no context. Only zuul!
Not bad. I thought the father's dialogue at the end seemed unessecary.
yeah your right, i re uploaded it to YouTube without that part, cheers
Not bad. The animation is stellar as always. The characters seem to allude to it, but the public access thing is kind of grinding this show to a halt. Also, when the video goes to the credits, a new tab opens automatically to another of your videos, you might want to fix that.
whoopsie. ill fix it.
the public access thing is here because i like seasonal arches, there really is no need for it. just a change of setting to help me improvise. and the fact that it's taking an incredibly long time is a part of a joke that will never pay off.
thank you for the comment!
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Joined on 5/9/13